Time For An Upgrade?
Tailor financing to the useful life of the asset with Farm Credit Illinois machinery or structure loans.
Competitive Rates & Flexible Terms
Term Options
Finance assets up to 7 years for new machinery and 10 years for certain buildings and farm improvements.
Payment Schedules
Select from annual, semi-annual, or monthly repayment options based on your seasonal cashflow.
Deals at the Dealer
Cash Discount or Finance?
- Many dealers offer a significant discount or rebate for paying cash instead of taking dealer financing. Discuss options with an FCI loan officer and see if you come out ahead by taking the cash discount while using one of FCI’s flexible financing plans.
Financing Promotion Ending?
- If you received special introductory financing on a piece of equipment, talk to an FCI loan officer before those terms expire and higher rates begin to see if you can refinance for additional savings.
Tools and Features Working For You
- Secure online portal and mobile app
- Interest-bearing cash management accounts
- Crop and livestock insurance experts helping you manage risks
- Rural homes and recreational property financing
- Farmer-owned cooperative
- On-farm service
- Staff with agricultural expertise
- Complimentary learning programs