Members Market
732 E. 2100 North Rd.
Edinburg, IL 62531
Edinburg, IL 62531
Hours of Operation:
Seasonal--During Asparagus season, ~April 15-June 15, 24/7; Sweet Corn Season, ~July 10-August 15, 24/7; Pumpkins and Gourds, second weekend in September through October 31, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Popcorn, Year-round 24/7.
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Red Barn Produce
About us
Mark and I started raising asparagus in 1985, with two young children. Our first asparagus patch ended up being about 10,000 crowns over 3 1/2 acres, lasted for about 28 years, and generated enough income to put our kids through college. A couple of years after plowing under our first patch, I retired from the Christian County Extension Service, went through Master Gardener training, and needing a way to reconnect with people, we planted another 2000 crowns, or about 3/8's of an acre. Now, in addition to asparagus and pumpkins, we also raise sweet corn, and, most recently, popcorn. Most everything we raise is sold out of our 105 year-old converted dairy barn and milk house. About two-thirds of our annual popcorn crop is now shipped to Minnesota.
Products we sell
Asparagus, Sweet Corn, Pumpkins, Gourds, and Popcorn