Byars Appointed to FCI Board of Directors
April 6, 2020
Rodney Byars of Wayne County was appointed to the Farm Credit Illinois Board of Directors, effective April 1. Following the resignation of Karen Neff in Dec. 2019, Byars fills the Region Three vacancy and joins 11 member-peers and two appointed outside directors on the cooperative’s Board.
Byars, age 53, is a corn, soybean, and wheat farmer. He received an associate’s degree in agricultural production from Wabash Valley College. He brings experience from various board committees and has completed trainings on cooperative planning, management, and financial analysis.
“A collaborative, forward-thinking board of directors can positively impact the success of the organization and the welfare of its members,” says Byars. “As a director, I look forward to helping shape FCI services, offerings, and resources to best serve young and beginning farmers as they pursue successful, growing, and fulfilling businesses.”
Byars will sit on the board until the cooperative’s next annual meeting in November, at which time an election will be held to fill the seat for the remainder of the four-year term ending Dec. 31, 2022.
Have you ever considered serving on Farm Credit’s Nominating Committee or Board of Directors?
Complete a candidate interest form at by July 17.
Following the deadline, the 2020 Nominating Committee will review potential candidates and present those selected at the Association’s annual meeting.
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