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Essentials04.10.23Essentials - Issue 2, 2023
In this issue KOHL-laborations, Scholarship & Grant Recipients, Rural 1st® testimonial, and more.
Essentials02.06.23Essentials Issue 01 - 2023
Latest farmland sales data, scholarships & grants, and more in this edition of Essentials.
Essentials12.05.22Essentials Issue 06 - Winter 2022
Learning Programs, Scholarships & Grants, Ag Barometer, and more in this edition of Essentials.
Essentials10.06.22Essentials Issue 05 - Fall 2022
Weather Outlook, Learning Programs, & Calendar Contest Winners and more in this edition of Essentials.
Essentials08.09.22Essentials Issue 04 - Summer 2022Farmland values, farm loans that pay, interest rates and more in this edition of Essentials.
Essentials06.07.22Essentials Issue 3, 2022Cash Patronage, Weather Updates, Interest Rate Discussion, and Summer Webinars.
Essentials04.07.22Essentials - Issue 2, 2022
In this issue Dr. Kohl with FreshRoots reflections, Interest Rate discussion with Brownfield Ag News, FCI Scholarship & Community Grant recipients announced, and Rural 1st® testimonial.
Essentials02.07.22Essentials Issue 1, 2022Trends in FCI’s territory indicate increased sales for larger sums, according to FCI's appraisal team. Find out more information on recent farmland auctions reported since the last results were published in July 2021. Additionally, land sales results reported from various farm real estate auctions held in the past six months throughout the Farm Credit Illinois geographical area.
Essentials12.08.21Essentials - Issue 6, 2021In this issue, read Dr. Kohl's recent commentary on beginning farmers, learn how to protect your input investments with customized crop insurance coverage, and register for a learning program near you.
Essentials10.05.21Essentials - Issue 5, 2021In this issue listen to a weather update from Eric Snodgrass, learn about FCI's operating loan advantage, and view the Focus on Farming calendar winners.
Essentials08.16.21Essentials - Issue 04, 2021In this issue gain access to the Annual Farmland Values Benchmark Study, review land sales listing for the past six months, get the latest Federal Reserve meeting update, learn how to protect your personal and farm business information against phishing attacks, discover the FCI operating loan advantage, mark your calendar with upcoming crop insurance deadlines, and get the scoop on the upcoming Farm Progress Show and be sure to visit the Farm Credit tent.